What to Expect
We are confident that the Bible contains all necessary information for our life and our need for godliness. (2 Peter 1:2-4). God’s Word speaks to our problems. It is the authority in explaining why the problem exists. There is no other book or counsel so worthy of our attention as we seek explanations and solutions to all our woes. Those who put their hope in His Word will never be ashamed. If we follow His counsel, we will always be led in the right way to a deeper faith and practical obedience in Jesus Christ. Simply stated, the Bible guides us through our problems to Jesus Christ. There is not and never will be another counselor more wise, more powerful, more loving, more insightful, and more worthy than Him. In Him, we will find all we need. He is sufficient and His Word is sufficient in leading us to Him. (2 Tim. 3:126-17 ~ breathed and equipped.)
What You Can Expect:
All information will be gathered to understand your unique situation. (Prov. 18:13)
You will be helped to recieve biblical hope and encouragement that problems can be handled well. (2 Pet. 1:3)
You will be helped to gain biblical insights into the root causes of problems and suffering and the best way to respond to them (Rom. 5:3-5). God’s Word gives insight into the purpose of suffering (Prov. 4:23), how to keep the heart (Prov. 3:5-6), and how to trust in the Lord, not leaning into our own understanding (Prov.. 12:15).
You will understand 5 areas: Behaviors (Matt. 15:11), Thoughts (Rom. 12:2), Beliefs (Rom. 10:17), Desires (James 1:14-15) and Circumstances (Rom. 8:28).
You will learn to think and respond to your trouble in ways that will lead to lasting change.
We will likely meet 8-12 (55 minute) weekly sessions to create new habits in thinking and behavior, followed by a few more sessions spread out over 4-8 months allowing you to continue in changes with less and less dependency upon counseling.
Our Expectations:
That you will bring your Bible and notebook to take notes.
That you will come ready to work biblically and prayerfully on specific changes God’s Word prescribes for you, completing homework during the week, between sessions. ~ Each assignment will be extremely relevant to your presenting problem and will help you find biblical resolution more quickly. This should be worked on a little each day, as a daily habit change. All homework should be preceded by prayer as our growth is both in our effort and in God’s help through the Holy Spirit. (Phil. 2:12)
That you attend a Christian church that believes and teaches God’s Word clearly and unashamedly. Fellowship with God’s people is essential to promoting and sustaining the things God will be doing in your life through biblical counseling. (Prov. 11:14)
Finally, in some cases, and with your approval, we will ask another mature Christian in your life to join us in the counseling process for the purpose of supporting you more personally through prayer and relationship.