“It helped me renew my mind. Biblical counseling helped me turn to scripture and then learn how to practically apply it to my life situations.”
~ Becca
“I went to secular counseling to work with my feelings that changed every day. But, biblical counseling worked with my heart and restored my relationship with God.”
~ Terri
“It’s like regular counseling, but there’s a source for everything the counselor says. I recommend biblical counseling to people regardless of their faith. Regardless of what you believe, the Bible still has a lot of information on how to live a good life and be a good person.”
~ Eric
"I’ve read dozens of christian self help and relationship books over decades. They were all helpful, but I was growing weary of depending on the interpretations and elaborations of the authors about how I should live. Biblical counseling helped me understand, in a simple and direct way, how to find it all in scripture myself."
~ Rock